This is possibly the last post I'll do from Japan, as we fly home tomorrow night. I may post a few follow up items when we get home though.
We went to Mt Fuji today, I was considering not actually going, as it was a tour by the same company that did the Niko tour, but this one was really good, the bus driver could actually drive, and the last leg of the trip was a Bullet Train back into Tokyo, not a bus trip.
It started similar, the tour company have no clue on how to get people quickly from the Hotel to the bus terminal then onto the tour, but when the tour actually started, it was great, the guide was excellent.
It started with a 1.5 hour drive to Mt Fuji visitors centre, where they recommend using the toilets as the ones on Mt Fuji leave a lot to be desired. Everyone on the bus took the advice. Its then a short 20 minute or so drive up the mountain to "stop 4". You can drive to "stop 5" but its closed this time of year due to snow.
Not actually much at the "stop 4" as unfortunately the mountain was obscured by cloud. At least we saw it last week from the Bullet train on the way to Kyoto. Very cold on the mountain, got some snaps, then back on the bus to lunch. Lunch was much better than the one provided on the Niko tour.
After the lunch, back on the bus to a place called Hakone, where there is a crater lake with a boat that takes you to a cable car. From the top of the cable car you get an awesome view down to the pacific ocean.
We said goodbye to Chris today, he took a train home to Nagoya as we headed back to Tokyo.
Pictures from Today :-